martes, 9 de enero de 2018


1. What is the title of the film?
The title of the film is "IT"

2. Who is the director?
The director of the film is Andrés Muschietti
3. Who is the screewriter?
The screewriters are
Chase Palmer,Cary Fukunaga and Gary Dauberman 

4. Where does the action take place?
En el pueblo de Derry, en Maine.
5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)
The action take place in the past. 
6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction)
The genre of the film is horror.

7. Who are the main characters?
Bill Denbrough (Jaeden Lieberher), Mike Hanlon (Chosen Jacobs), Beverly Marsh (Sophia Lillis), Richie Tozier (Finn Wolfhard), Stan Uris (Wyatt Oleff), Ben Hanscom (Jeremy Ray Taylor), Eddie Kaspbrak (Jack Dylan Grazer) y Pennywise (Bill Skarsgård).
8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)

Bill Denbrough: is a brave boy, leader of the group, very friend of his friends
Beverly Marsh: she's the only girl of the group, her father mistreats her, she is in love with Bill and her slingshot skills are the strong point of the battle against "IT"

Write 4 words from the film and...
 Missing -
Person who is missing or unknown
clown -
Circus artist, generally dressed and make-up in an eye-catching way 
Friends - 
 That maintains a friendly relationship with another or other people.
brave -
That acts with courage and determination before risky or difficult situations.
9. Write a definition in English
10. Translate them into Catalan
11. Write one sentence with each word.
my friend has missing
the clown makes love
I have many friends
I'm very brave 
Resultado de imagen de imagen pelicula it

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